
These collages can be paired together or separately in a space. The first consists of bright greens and faces, plant life as well as animals. Every image has been precisely cut out of magazines and layered. The second collage includes much more browns and earthy tones with images of grey trees that act like veins and a large red heart. These collages were made with a prompt in mind for a class where we got to choose a topic of importance to us.

I am very enthusiastic about the subject of environmentalism, returning to your roots, and being grounded. I believe that we often forget as humans that we are still a part of nature and that we are meant to work with the land and not against it. Capitalism has destroyed our view of how our lives should be. Our concrete prison runs us wild and it’s important that while we may not be able to change much about our environment in the present moment, we do need to find ourselves and reach out to nature to feel that connectedness again.

With this set of works, I confront the viewer in order to inspire change within themselves and how they view the world around them. The job of my artwork is not to force a perspective onto its audience but rather to guide a conversation. How that conversation goes and how the piece is interpreted is entirely up to the viewer.