“Mr. Fuzzy”
Mr. Fuzzy is a wire sculpture of a teddy bear. It was made for a class that experimented in a multitude of art mediums. The title of the work is meant to make the audience laugh or feel joyful due to the nature of the sculpture. While the idea of a teddy bear is usually one of soft nature, the wire sculpture offers an opposing view. The art piece consists of black wire that loops and coils around itself to create the illusion of a teddy bear whilst also holding place for much negative space.
Teddy bears are usually soft and cuddly, plush and fun. I created this wire teddy bear to mimic that sense of comfort from the audience. I made the sculpture to evoke joy in the viewer or capture their hearts. I believe that most people around the world grew up with some sort of comfort item, a teddy bear being a very popular one. Without a real face or color to go along with the nature of its existence, Mr. Fuzzy subs in as that comfort item that lies in the memory of the populous.
Mr. Fuzzy was created after a childhood teddy bear of mine that I still have to this day. I hope that with this work I can help the viewer to recall a safe memory from their past and ignite the childlike wonder within their hearts.
For this project, I decided to make a sort of goddess figure that at first represented mother earth but it quickly turned into a celestial goddess that represents creation. Because I had the idea of creation, life and nature in mind for this project I decided to paint flowers and dark earthy browns on her. I also made planets out of paper clay and hung them from her hands. The butterfly in her abdomen simultaneously stands for creating life as well as bodily autonomy and the ability to have free will or to be set free. The butterfly was created to be a stand in for her uterus and fallopian tubes. The gold adorns her body to show how decorated and sacred/precious the statue is and the value in what it represents.